Blackpool Civic Trust
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Blackpool Civic Week - 15th to 20th June 2015

Civic Day, Blackpool, at the Imperial Hotel

Saturday 20th June 2015

Fortieth Anniversary Cream Tea at the Imperial

Blackpool Civic Trust held a very successful afternoon cream tea at the Imperial Hotel to celebrate our fortieth anniversary. We were pleased to be joined by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Tony Brown and Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Brown. The event began with the announcement of the winner of our Best Kept Street of the Year competition. The Deputy Mayor presented the Rose Bowl to Councillors Graham Caine and John Jones, which they will keep for one year. A street sign will be erected on the road itself - St Chad's - and representatives of the residents attended the presentation to receive the award.

This was a fitting conclusion to the Civic Trust's week-long celebrations of the National Civic Day, especially as, together with our Anniversary Dinner in February, it celebrated forty years of fostering and promoting civic pride in Blackpool.

Blackpool Civic Day 2015, Afternoon Tea at the Imperial Hotel

Presentation of the Rose Bowl & Street of the Year Award to St Chad's Road in Blackpool.

Representatives of St Chad's are seen here with (L to R): Cllr Graham Caine, Joan, Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Brown, Deputy Mayor, Tony Brown, Cllr John Jones (far right).Civic Week, Street of the Year, Blackpool

Blackpool Civic Week

Our Civic Week got off to a very successful start, with two well-attended guided tours of the blue plaques in the town centre. Shown here is the morning tour, which attracted 20 people, two of whom joined the Civic Trust on the spot! Photo below:

Blackpool Civic Trust, Civic Week 2015

As part of its Civic Week celebrations, Blackpool Civic Trust held a Treasure Hunt with a strong heritage theme. It started and finished at the Town Hall:

Blackpool Civic Week Treasure Hunt

Our Quiz Night proved highly popular, with over 70 members and guests taking part. We were especially pleased that the Mayor Cllr Peter Callow and Mayoress Cllr Maxine Callow attended the event and joined in the fun. The winner's prize of ?20 was donated to the Mayor's charity, which was only fitting since the Mayor and Mayoress were part of the winning team! Thanks to everyone who supported this event and helped to make it such a success, with special thanks to our Quiz Masters, Chris Norton and Andrew Sage and also our Social Secretary, Sharon Sanderson-Roberts and her team.

Joan Humble (Chair), Mayor Cllr Peter Callow, Mayoress Cllr Maxine Callow, Elaine Smith MBE, Barry Shaw

Blackpool Civic Week - Heritage Quiz

St Stephen's on the Cliffs Parish Centre - Heritage Quiz

Mayor of Blackpool Councillor Peter Callow and Mayoress Councillor Maxine Callow attended the Heritage Quiz.

Visit to the Model Village on Fri 19th June

Corporate member, The Model Village, joined in our Civic Week celebrations by offering members free entry on Friday. Undaunted by the cold, grey day members, sometimes accompanied by grandchildren, took advantage of this kind offer. We all had a good time exploring the Model Village with quiz sheet or camera in hand. Our thanks to the Model Village for their support and generosity.

Blackpool Model Village visit


27-Jun-2019 Contact us